[讨论]请教一个关于Linux Ubuntu 和 Windows 2003 间组网的问题
[讨论]请教一个关于Linux Ubuntu 和 Windows 2003 间组网的问题请教一个关于Linux Ubuntu 和 Windows 2003 间组网的问题
这个原来是在Facebook上一埃及开罗的大学生问我的问题,但是问题还没有得到解决 现在就发到邪八的论坛上希望能和各位大牛讨论讨论 :) 顺便附上我们的聊天记录..
Dear Yan ;
Actually I'm interested in sending this message as looked at your profile in Centos GROUP.
I'M in 20 years old and studying at MSA university in Cairo-Egypt , im new
in Linux OS some how but i hope to help me for something im trying to
access it . Its my Uni network , thier server windows 2003 and they
configure DHCP SERVER YES I configure dhcp on my linux Ubuntu , and i
saw their network . 1) Control ROOM 2) their web server as open sharing
computers im using samba server but my question is not here ..
how can i access or break Authentication Required message for windows
2003 ?? i try to configure smb.conf and nsswitch and use krb5 and so on
* I shall be happy to be friends really its not a compliment and look forward hearing from you soon :)
Mohamad Zu'bi
Dear Zu'bi :
I'm very glad that received the message from u and I think I can solve your problem ;)
To be frankly ,I have always couldn't open the website using Firefox in Ubuntu when DHCP Service is runing. Why?
Because we should select the DNS Service Host by ourselves. The detailed steps as follow:
Step One:
Open the Terminal and enter the /etc/ just like this:
delphiscn@Delphiscn:/$ cd /etc/
Then,Find the file named resolv.conf and open it.
Tips: When u open the resolv.conf u maybe fail because the system think that your account is not the root account and print the message says:Permission denied.
So, First you should raise your privilege. In Ubuntu, U can use the command sudo to switch. and become the root . Otherwise, U can use the command
chmod 777 resolv.conf to edit the file.
If it is going well. We can enter the Step Two:
Edit the resolv.conf:
In my resolv.conf the content as the below:
search domain
the nameserver and is my city's DNS Server. So My Computer is work well.
U can change the nameserver to your country's DNS Server address.
If it is not the problem about DHCP. I think we should check the Samba service.
Now, first,Is the Samba service runing ? Haha~~ Check it.
Next,Check the smb.conf and find the line as bellow:
workgroup = LinuxNet
netbios name = LinuxNet05
server string = Linux Samba Server TestServer
security = share/***************************This line****************/
path = /opt/linuxnet
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes
Is the security equal the value "share" in your smb.conf? NOT the value "user"?
Then, the Authentication Required message for Windows 2003 maybe is not your Ubuntu's problem
Perhaps, I think that........ If there is any necessary that the Windows 2003 should create a accound for the remote user? Just like Guest account in windows 2003? or there is something wrong with the Firewall's setting?
I'm very sorry that replying the letter so late. I was very busy recently because I was preparing for my exam ;)
See U next time~~~ I'm very glad to make firend with you. I am a student in Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,China.
Vincent Yan
Dear Yan :
I'm really proud to have friend like you in China Society , i really and i swear that i respect your mind wooooow ;)
actually Vincent i made some configure in more than one files under ubuntu and now i can't even log in .. im use my XP Operating system :D
i get these ip from my university PC in Lab under windows registry : dhcp ip dhcp default dhcp name server dhcp nameserver dhcp ip adress dhcp server dhcp subnet
i replace as my local host and configure my resolv.conf putting as a DNS
and i configure my smb.conf but no my security was domain not share maybe this can make some change ??
Vincent i try to get their Oracle database just to edit my marks its really bad some how :P
my problem is when im accessing their windows machine on the network as it called Controlroom pc i knew that their Oracle inside it when i Unpluged the Lan cable from their EXE PC just to tell me run time error message telling me that couldn't open" \\controlroom/c:/msa.dbf" ;)
i need to make my ubuntu pc uthenticated or break down their password required or there is any application can help me ?? just to access Controlroom pc and copy their Oracle ... can i ???????!!!!!!
and i have some and good information about programming field in Visual basic and i know that their EXE file has the Control room password as it programmed to access it and to read their Database , but i don't even can get their exe program to analyze it :@
and really I'm sorry for my bothering :)
Moh'd Zu'bi E文看得头晕。。。翻译了,回复的人多点。。。赠人玫瑰,手留余香。
帖子41 精华[url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/digest.php?authorid=122864]0[/url] 积分131 阅读权限40 性别男 在线时间65 小时 注册时间2007-5-21 最后登录2008-6-21 [url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/space.php?action=viewpro&uid=122864]查看详细资料[/url][url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/post.php?action=reply&fid=9&tid=33359&repquote=144696&extra=page%3D2&page=1]引用[/url] [url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/misc.php?action=report&fid=9&tid=33359&pid=144696&page=1]报告[/url] [url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/###]回复[/url] TOP [url=http://www.google.cn/search?q=鲜花预定&client=pub-0204114945524753&forid=1&prog=aff&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&cof=GALT%3A#008000;GL%3A1;DIV%3A336699;VLC%3A663399;AH%3Acenter;BGC%3AFFFFFF;LBGC%3A336699;ALC%3A0000FF;LC%3A0000FF;T%3A000000;GFNT%3A0000FF;GIMP%3A0000FF;FORID%3A1&hl=zh-CN]爱要怎么说出口[/url]
[url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/space-uid-18708.html]fr.qaker[/url] [img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/avatars/pw/eviloctal2.gif[/img]
[img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/default/star_level2.gif[/img][img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/default/star_level2.gif[/img] 学校的电脑通常都有绑定MAC地址的, 如果都无法访问, 有可能是MAC地址限制, 如果XP可以访问, 但是Linux不可以, 请检查驱动, 然后DHCP请求看是否获得IP
Oracle数据库, 很明显, 使用了一个远程的数据文件..... 一旦断开网络, Oracle 无法读取\\controlroom\c:\下的数据文件
还有, 不明白这位兄弟要Oracle的Exe文件研究什么?
帖子151 精华[url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/digest.php?authorid=18708]6[/url] 积分3794 阅读权限200 性别男 来自AUS 在线时间90 小时 注册时间2005-11-15 最后登录2008-7-17 [url=http://blog.n-ku.com/blog.asp?name=bigboyq]查看个人网站[/url]
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晶莹剔透§烈日灼然 引用:
原帖由 fr.qaker 于 2008-6-18 22:35 发表 [url=https://forum.eviloctal.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=144732&ptid=33359][img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
学校的电脑通常都有绑定MAC地址的, 如果都无法访问, 有可能是MAC地址限制, 如果XP可以访问, 但是Linux不可以, 请检查驱动, 然后DHCP请求看是否获得IP
Oracle数据库, 很明显, 使用了一个远程的数据文件..... 一旦断 ...
帖子12 精华[url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/digest.php?authorid=164543]0[/url] 积分3 阅读权限40 性别女 在线时间6 小时 注册时间2008-6-12 最后登录2008-7-3 [url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/space.php?action=viewpro&uid=164543]查看详细资料[/url][url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/post.php?action=reply&fid=9&tid=33359&repquote=144746&extra=page%3D2&page=1]引用[/url] [url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/misc.php?action=report&fid=9&tid=33359&pid=144746&page=1]报告[/url] [url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/###]回复[/url] TOP
[img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/default/star_level2.gif[/img][img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/default/star_level1.gif[/img][img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/default/star_level1.gif[/img][img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/default/star_level1.gif[/img] 谢谢fr.qaker的回复,我已经按你的意思告诉了他解决方法。另外他想要的那个exe好像是他们学校的人用vb写的,用来访问\\controlroom\c:\下的数据文件,而且密码是没有进行任何加密直接硬编码在里面,所以他想逆一下那个exeDelphiscn Blog
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帖子136 精华[url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/digest.php?authorid=2377]6[/url] 积分3697 阅读权限150 性别男 来自南通 南京 在线时间222 小时 注册时间2005-2-24 最后登录2008-7-14 [url=http://blog.csdn.net/delphiscn]查看个人网站[/url]
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[url=http://forum.eviloctal.com/space-uid-18708.html]fr.qaker[/url] [img]http://forum.eviloctal.com/images/avatars/pw/eviloctal2.gif[/img]