You don't have to use a domain account. When you go into the "job system" properties on your sql agent, click the "reset proxy account". it will ask you for a new user/password and domain. For the domain, just put the name of the local server (of course, that account has to exist on the local server).
Also, I'm sure you know what the risk is by allowing non-syadmins the ability to execute XP_CMDSHELL....
It generally indicates that either the SQL Agent account is
not a local admin account so it can't access the information
on the proxy account or you haven't set up a proxy account.
You can execute the following to get the proxy account:
exec master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_proxy_account N'GET'
If it doesn't return anything, you need to create the proxy
You can set the proxy account with:
exec master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_proxy_account N'SET',
N'DomainName', N'UserName', N'Password'
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