-Many of the options spy sound, etc., etc
- Improved ping system. Pingsystem also modified to send pings less often when connected via TOR, as the minimum packet size then is 500kb.
- Remote user idle time added (time away from keyboard).
- Assigned name and download folder always combined with an unique id (harddisk volume nr) to ensure each user get an unique name.
- Possible to make notes about each user.
- Bypasses windows hardware data execution protection, DEP.
- Checking of passwords for incoming connections is now optional.
- Server can now be injected to svchost.exe.
- "Persistant server" option added.
- Minimize to tray added.
* "Open Download Folder" added to context menu in main window.
* Works on restricted accounts:
+ If the user isn't logged as admin, the server will be created in Application Data folder.
+ If it fails to write activex or HKLM to the registry, it will automatically write to HKCU as the user is logged in on a restricted account